Monday, 18 February 2013

20130218 (I) Character Education & Digital Citizenship Programme

What it means to be Digital Citizens? 
me, myself and my cyber persona

Activity 1A
Watch the following video and post your responses as comment to the questions that follows Video is on “On-line Dangers”.

This video is about a young girl who is chatting to a man she does not know. The man asks her to meet him and she does. She really likes the man and thinks he makes her feel special! but is that really the truth?

Should you encounter any difficulty accessing the above site click the following alternative sites:  The Social Media Revolution

Activity 1B

Reflection Questions 1 (Post as comments.)

  • What are the nature of the cyber dangers presented in the scenario?
  • Why do you think she succumbed so easily to the temptations that eventually led her to be a victim?
  • Why is it so easy to assume a different persona online?

20130218 (II) Character Education & Digital Citizenship Programme

Dangers in Cyberspace - my digital footprint 

Activity 2A

Before start of video ask yourself the following question: 
What is digital footprint?

Watch the following video and post your responses as comment to the questions that follows:

Digital Footprint

Activity 2B 

Reflection Questions (Post as comments.)

The questions for reflections include:

  1. Reflect on the imminent dangers presented in the video on ‘Digital Footprint’
  2. Why do you think many people are ignorant of such dangers?
  3. What do think should be done to make people aware of these dangers.

Digital Footprint
Is basically everything on the internet that is about you! Sometimes content about you may be viewed by people you don’t know. Your digital footprint may include photos, audio, videos, blog posts, posts you write on friends’ walls. Like all information on the internet, it can be permanent. Remember - internet information has a global audience.

20130218 (III) Character Education & Digital Citizenship Programme

Revisiting 4Rs

Activity 3





Apply the 4Rs in cyberspace.

Note with the choice you make - you must also bear the consequences.
Click on the following to set the context for Consequences


Activity 4 (Class work)

Class (Community) Guidelines

‘If you were in charge of writing YouTube’s Community Guidelines, what would you include?’

Setting the Context:

YouTube’s Community Guidelines are the ‘rules of the road’ for our users when posting content and engaging on the platform. They outline the level of responsibility, which is expected of all users. The Community Guidelines are linked to from the bottom of every YouTube page under ‘Terms’ and are written in clear, easy to understand, jargon-free language so that all users can be clear on what the YouTube rules are.

Students break into groups of 4-5 and each group should post their Class (Community) Guidelines in order of importance on the Class Blog. Post as Comments.

From this list, as a class, craft a Class Pledge on Social Media Guidelines and post it as a new entry in Class Blog.

Prizes will be given to the best entries.

On-line Final Survey

Activity 5 (LD activated & LD down once done) - student focused(individual work) 

Friday, 15 February 2013

Total Defence Task


Group Task: Social Defence
- Group of 3 or 4
- Appointment leader, scribe and timekeeper
- Create comic strip using appropriate applications and drawing tools
- The comic strip must fit into 1 A4 size paper

- Total Defence Website 
Please send your comic strip to!

2013 Secondary 2 Level Test 1 Schedule

  1. Students are required to be in their school uniforms when sitting the Level Test.
  2. It is the responsibility of students to ensure that they do not possess unauthorized
    materials during the Level Test. Students caught with incriminating evidence will be presumed to have cheated or to have attempted to cheat. Those caught cheating will receive zero mark for the paper as well as face disciplinary action.
  1. Students are to assemble quietly outside the classrooms at least 15 minutes before the commencement of each paper.
  2. Students are required to sit at their assigned desks at least 10 minutes before the commencement of each paper.
  3. Flag-raising will commence at 0740h sharp except on 25 February where flag-raising will be at 0840h sharp.
  4. Students who are late will not be given extra time.
  5. However, students who are late because of major public transport service disruptions
    or inclement weather will be given the full duration of time allocated for the paper(s).
  6. Students who are affected by such situations must report to Ms Jennifer Tay / Mrs Lim Woon Foong, outside the Staff Room immediately when they reach school.
  1. Students may be excused from sitting a paper only with the presentation of a formal medical certificate or for other reasons acceptable to the school.
  2. Please call the General Office (tel: 6571 7200) to report your absence before 0715.
  3. Students who are absent for any paper without acceptable reason will receive zero mark for that paper.
  4. Students will be required to sit missed paper(s) within 5 working days upon their return to school.
  1. Students are to sit according to their register numbers.
  2. Students are required to place their NRIC or foreign identification documents on the
    top right-hand corner of their desks throughout the duration of the assessment.
  3. No writing paper will be provided during the Level Test.
  4. Students are required to bring their own writing and mathematical instruments such as
    pens, 2B pencils, soft erasers, approved calculators and dictionaries, set-squares,
    compasses, protractors, rulers and flexible rulers as required.
  5. No student may leave the classroom before the scheduled end time unless permitted by the invigilator.